"It's the little things in life which make it magical..."

Monday, 6 February 2012

Curiouser and Curiouser

If you know me, you know that I threw a 'Mad Hatter's Tea Party' to celebrate my 21st Birthday. You would also be aware that I love planning parties...this however all eventually leads to one experiencing post-party blues where one is lost with what to do, now that your cake taste-testing and teacup collecting days are behind you...

Thus, I threw myself into illustration, a pastime which has found itself neglected until recent months!

Over the past few weeks I have been doing a fair bit of illustration, and this Alice in Wonderland inspired piece sets the tone for the style I have been experimenting with. Using animated characters as a point of reference, I have been modernising them by making them glamourous and grown-up.

I'm quite happy with how Alice turned out, cartoon-esque, without being little-girly. I was trying to capture the mood of Alice running from the garden, the point where she realises that things are not always what they seem, and thus the piece is entitled 'Curiouser and Curiouser.' She was created using A3 300gsm watercolour paper, with a 2B pacer and Derwent watercolour pencils.

I hope that you like this style of illustration and that you are inspired to try and revamp your own favourite film or book character!

Let me know whether you, or anyone you know may be interested in participating in an 'Art Club'. Whereby, each month a theme is chosen, and at the end of the month all participants submit the work they have produced which reflects their interpretation of the theme to me. I would then publish the submission of the month :) Media used is up to the artist, photography, watercolour, pencil, the options are only limited by your creativity!

Happy Drawing.

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